On the other hand, sometimes a
problem can turn into a positive experience. Not long ago, standing in front of
a large auditorium full of freshman students, three ladies in the back of the
room simply would not shut up, and the laughing seemed to be disturbing those
around them. So I kicked them out of class. As you can imagine, the other 257
people in that room were very attentive for the rest of the period. But I got
an e-mail later that day from one of those who’d been sent out:
I was asked to leave your class this morning and
I just wanted to say that I am sincerely sorry for my
actions. I am ashamed and I honestly meant no
disrespect to you or my classmates. Make no mistake,
I was very humiliated by being asked to leave class.
I really was paying attention to your lecture
and final exam preparation discussion, but I did allow
myself to become momentarily distracted and I take
full responsibility for that lapse of judgment. Please
understand that I am not writing this in order to argue
my actions as acceptable, because I was in the wrong,
but I just wanted to tell you that I am sorry.
Respond if you wish, but I just thought you should know.
I responded. And the fact that
this student sent the above message means that at the end of the semester, if
she is a tenth of a point away from the next highest letter grade, I’ll move
her up. But the real lesson is that no matter how anonymous or hidden you may
think you are in a large auditorium, a teacher can probably see you and
recognize immediately whether you are contributing to the overall academic
atmosphere or being a distraction to your classmates. Fifty minutes is not very
long. Just sit there, pay attention, and at least look like you’re taking
notes, glancing up at the screen or blackboard periodically, even if you’re
busy writing a poem or a letter to your significant other.
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