B______ -
By way of perspective:
(1) KEITH COUNTY JOURNAL - rejected 22 times (by 22 different publishers, one
of whom wrote “Why do you waste your postage sending us things that don’t turn
us on?”) before being picked up by St. Martin's Press; eventually sold
thousands of copies, got my picture in TIME Magazine, and is still in print
after 34 years.
(2) YELLOWLEGS - rejected several times (through my agent but not by my agent)
before Norman Mailer's editor said, in essence, "throw away the crap and
keep the story." After cutting the book in half, St. Martin's picked it up
on a two-book deal. Later, a film deal on YELLOWLEGS paid for one of our
children’s education at Berkeley, but ended in an out-of-court settlement,
deposited in a University of Nebraska Foundation account, that paid for my
research for several years.
through my agent (but not by my agent), by the University of Nebraska Press, in
fact by return mail. Eventually sold and published by RoutledgeFalmer, a Taylor
and Francis company. The University of Nebraska Press editor who rejected it,
without even reading the proposal or sample chapters, was the same editor who
left UNP and convinced the John Neihardt heirs to transfer the rights to all
Neihardt’s books to this editor’s new company. (The Neihardt property was a
major income producer for UNP).
(4) VERMILION SEA – rejected, through my agent, by the
University of Nebraska Press, without review. Eventually sold and published by
Houghton-Mifflin. VS was a heavily, and I do mean heavily, edited book, both by the H-M senior editor and the copy
editor, the former simply writing “rew!” (= “re-write”) on paragraph after
paragraph, and the copy editor letting me get by with the most embarrassing
mistake I’ve ever published (won’t tell you what it is.)
(5) TUSKERS – rejected 23 times, through my agent, by
various publishers. After the 23rd rejection, my agent said
“everybody in the agency loves this book but we simply cannot sell it. I’ll be
happy to write the contract if you can sell it.” I tried a couple of more
times, unsuccessfully, with Jena (the ESPN child) hassling me constantly to get
it into print. Eventually, when CreateSpace.com and the e-book business got up
and running, I did self-publish it.
(6) THE GINKGO – My agent rejected this one, declining to
handle it, calling it “an evocative book about ideas, exactly the kind of thing
the American book-buying public is getting increasingly impatient with.” (I
re-wrote the prologue and added that quote, plus some narrative to put it into
perspective.) It was subsequently rejected by about 40 different publishers. I
eventually self-published it and still consider it my finest piece of creative
(7) ON BECOMING A BIOLOGIST – At the opposite end of the
author-publisher-agent spectrum is OBAB, which my agent negotiated and sold,
then told me I was going to write it. The editor at Harper and Row was
gentleman named Rick Kot, one of the most professional people I’ve ever worked
with. For two years I worked on both the manuscript and the outline; he edited
the latter, which eventually got up to about 50 pages, at least a dozen times,
until he finally took it to the H&R editorial board for approval. After
that, I re-wrote the whole book at least three times, all as a result of his
editing and commentary, after which he asked “are you now ready for me to edit
it?” I answered “yes,” and ended up doing as much creative work in the next six
months as I’d done in the previous 2-3 years. This book is still in print after
nearly 30 years.
(8) The intro biology textbook project – As a result of
KEITH COUNTY JOURNAL, an editor from one of the major textbook publishers
showed up in my office to talk about a BIOS 101 textbook. I signed the
contract. The manuscript eventually got to 1200 pages of typing and graphic
design (all by me), reviewed and re-written three times, before we came to a
mutual agreement that this project was not going to be successful. This all
took place in the early 1980s.
A LONG TIME AGO – a current book project, the so-called “Oklahoma book.” The
University of Oklahoma Press rejected this one by return mail with a smart-ass
crack something like “we get a manuscript once a week about Depression-era
parents who made good.” They missed the whole point. University of Nebraska
Press had it, or a version of it, three years ago, lost it, then contacted me
about a year ago to ask if I was still interested in having them review it. I sent
them a pdf (their preferred format) but have heard nothing from them in that
past year. Once this parasit textbook project is finished, I’ll self-publish
(10) OUTWITTING COLLEGE PROFESSORS – I originally gave this
one away as a pdf file to my BIOS 101 class, then self-published with
www.createspace.com. That worked pretty well. Pearson picked up the book as a
second edition but didn’t really make it part of their success in college
package like I thought they would, so I got all the rights back from them and
have since done the third and fourth editions, also through createspace, as
well as kindle, nook, smashwords, etc. I’m not getting rich off it but it does
sell copies fairly regularly.
I won’t even mention the many other book projects, fiction
and otherwise, that have not come to fruition for several reasons. In my
opinion, if that daily hour of creative writing over in the Union, and the
writer-agent-publisher business that comes from it, have any value at all, it’s
been to put the scientific manuscript publication experience into perspective.
Hang in there.